

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where do I start??

Sorry I have not updated sooner, there has been so much. I want to say thank you so much for all the prayers and every one who sent us messages, texts, and calls to let me know you are keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

When we got addmitted on Friday, we had no idea how long we were going to stay or what we were going to be told. We don't know if the fever was from something viral or if it was from his Leukemia, OH HOW I HATE CANCER!!! We got two rounds of antibiotics and Platelets and we got to go home on Sat. but before we got to go home Jacob had a very special surprise from some women here at the hospital. They wanted to do something special for Jacob, so they got him a xbox 360 and some games. OMG what a surprise, poor Jacob he had only 3 hours of sleep and was on steroids, boy what a combo :O/ So we couldn't get much of a reaction out of him, but boy as soon as we got home it had to get pluged in, Thanks for the great gift! We are so blessed to have meet so many people on the jouney we are on. So we got to enjoy our weekend at home. So today, Monday here we are again, we got addmitted this evening because of fever and he was just really tierd all day. So scary to see him like this :O( So we took cultures again and when his counts came back we found out his hibaglobin was way to low, that was why he was so tierd today. But we still don't know what is going on with the fevers.

Thank You for keeping our Jacob in your prayers!!

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