

Monday, March 23, 2009

Life just sometimes feels like a yo yo….

We had gone in for high dose chemo a couple weeks ago stayed for 5 days came home for just about the weekend, went back in on that Monday for more chemo. Which was only suppose to be the day and ended up being 3 days, due to the fact that just before they were going to let us go home Jacob ended up with a fever, 101.2 to be exact :o/ So we got home, and this last past weekend Jacob got a fever, all I could think was not know, we just want to be home :o) This all Jacob could say: “we have to make sure this fever goes away, I don’t want to go to the hospital, I want to be with my Sundae” (his little dog) and I don’t blame him at all!! The fever just stayed around 99 to 100. did not really do any thing and went down and he was fine in the morning. I know Jacob’s nose has been clogged & running, so I don’t know if it is allergies or a head cold. We did have clinic this morning and the Dr. did say it is really hard to tell but one of his ears is a little pink and that might be the reason for the fever. So we went home with Amoxicillin to be on the safe side and we are to go back on Thursday to have Jacob checked out. We are still fever free and I plan on staying that way.
We probably wont have chemo for the next week or so :o)
Thank You for your thoughts and prayers for our Jacob,

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