

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010 2:40 AM

​So where do I start, so sorry I left so many people wondering what is going on with Jacob, and thank you for all the prayers that have been going out over the heavens for him. Well since my last update on the 7th of Jan. Jacob was starting to feel just a little better so they let us go home that weekend on antibiotics. His pneumonia had not cleared up and I felt like we went backwards when they let us go home. We started to have fevers almost at the time we walked in the doors of our house, so heart wrenching to watch you child feel so miserable and to top it off he has not really felt very good with fevers off and on since the Dec. Well so come Monday the 11th we ended up right back in the hospital with 102 fever and still having Pneumonia and his Leukemia starting to climb and then to find out his blood culture came back positive for sepsis, it was also in his line, he is also developing Mucostits sores in his mouth and down his throat from the chemo, UHG! How much more!!!! Last week Jacob got light chemo to try to kill some of the Leukemia blasts and his counts really started to drop at the end of the week, but really dramatic, I really think it had a lot to do with the chemo he had the week of the 4th which was ARA-C and Etoposi​de (about a 1 1/2 week later his counts started to drop) and last week we had vincristine (1 day), mercaptopur​ine, and methotrexat​e (both for five days). At the end of last week his WBC had droped to 0.4 we started neupogen after a couple days his WBC still droped to 0.2. We are tring to control Leukemia and also get some fighting cells to help with everything his body is fighting. We had another chest x ray last weds and we are actually finally starting to see some changes. Each passing day we can see Jacob starting to feel a little better, the Mucostits still bothering him but to pass soon. So as of today, Monday we are going to finish his 14days of antibiotics and then I think the plan is to see how he is feeling and with the grace of God we will be going home in a couple of days.

The Meeting
We did have a meeting with the Dr. last week to make sure we all are on the same page with Jacob, Chemo really is not doing what it is supose to, he has become somewhat resistant and his Leukemia has become aggressive. We are trying to keep him as healthy as possible and happy, while trying some combination​s of chemo and by a miracle of God put him into remission. That srand of HOPE still lives with in me and is what makes it possible to move forward, even knowing what can happen.

Tha​nk You for keeping our little Jacob in your prayers!!

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